It was a blockbuster weekend as Fortebet officially kicked off the new 2022-23 English Premier League season with blockbuster giveaways.
The gifts handover was conducted by Fortebet’s brand ambassador, Alex Muhangi and the Media Manager, John Nanyumba.
Fortebet gave out a number of gifts worth over 10,000,000/= to the people in Kasesero, Mutukula, Ssanje, Kalissizo and Kyotera. The gifts included life jackets to over 50 fishermen at Kasensero landing site, reflector jackets to tens of bodaboda riders and at its branches, the betting giant gave out a number of phones, T-shirts, caps, wristbands among others.
“From the bottom of my heart, I want to say a lot of thanks to Fortebet. We have very many organisations here that never think of giving back to the community in which they do business. Thank you for being exceptional!” said one of the fishermen on behalf of the others shortly after receiving the life jackets.
Talking on behalf of the betting giant, Muhangi noted, “This is what Fortebet does every day-giving back to Ugandans. These gifts are worth many millions of moneys but Fortebet has decided to give them to you for free because you are so special.”